Diverse Voices: Nutrition and Health Disparities

Date and Time

– July 25, 2024, 04:00 PM EDT

Virtual Only.

Event Information

The July 2024 session of Diverse Voices: Intersectionality and the Health of Women is titled “Nutrition and Health Disparities.” The session will feature presentations by Lindsay Till Hoyt, Ph.D., M.A.; Alison Cohen, Ph.D., M.P.H.; and Natasha L. Burke, Ph.D., and Tamara Dubowitz, Sc.D., S.M., M.Sc.

Drs. Till Hoyt, Cohen, and Burke will present on their 3E Study: Economic and Educational Contributions to Emerging Adult Cardiometabolic Health. Dr. Dubowtiz will present on “Urban Revitalization and Long-Term Effects on Diet, Economic, and Health Outcomes.”


Event Flyer

Featured Speakers

Headshot of Lindsay Hoyt Headshot of Allison Cohen Headshot of Natasha Burke

Lindsay Till Hoyt, Ph.D., M.A.; Alison Cohen, Ph.D., M.P.H.; and Natasha L. Burke, Ph.D., will present on their 3E Study: Economic and Educational Contributions to Emerging Adult Cardiometabolic Health.

They will present a talk titled “Economic and Educational Experiences and Disordered Eating Among Racially/Ethically Diverse Emerging Adult Women,” and share preliminary findings from their U3 administrative supplement to the 3E study of diverse emerging adults' cardiometabolic health. This builds upon their respective areas of expertise studying health inequities from the perspectives of developmental science, social epidemiology, and clinical health psychology.

Headshot of Tamara DubowitzTamara Dubowitz, Sc.D., S.M., M.Sc., will present on “Urban Revitalization and Long-Term Effects on Diet, Economic, and Health Outcomes.” She will share her work with the Pittsburgh Hill/Homewood Research on Neighborhood Change and Health, or PHRESH, which has been following a large, randomly selected cohort of predominantly Black, low-income women for over a decade. This suite of studies has focused on the impact of neighborhood investment and change on diet and diet-related outcomes. Dr. Dubowitz will talk about design and implementation of the work, engaging communities, measuring the impact of neighborhood change on health and nutrition, and dissemination.
Special Accommodations

Sign language interpreting services are available upon request. Individuals who need interpreting services and/or other reasonable accommodations to participate in this event should contact Liz Schott at elizabeth.schott@nih.gov. Requests should be made at least five business days in advance.
